Transform offshore platform topsides using state-of-the-art Photo Realistic 3D Cloud technology (PRC) – Surface

Project Overview


Offshore Platform Transformation with Photo Realistic 3D Cloud (PRC) - Surface

An energy company in Egypt aimed to enhance efficiency, quality, reliability, and safety across its seven offshore platform topsides. To achieve this without traditional costly scanning and survey methods, the company engaged MCS Group and their Photo Realistic 3D Cloud (PRC) - Surface technology.


SERVICESOffshore Topside Inspection



Pushing the Boundaries
The primary issue for the client was scanning the seven platforms while they were operational, without instigating expensive and operational disruptions. Compounding this challenge were outdated platform blueprints. They sought an advanced scanning solution that would allow them to progress with precision.



Innovative Technology at Work.
MCS Group, known for its innovation and cutting-edge solutions, provided the perfect answer to our client challenges with the implementation of Photo Realistic 3D Cloud (PRC) – Surface technology. Our talented team of experts conducted scans of the seven platforms using small hand-carried cameras, eliminating the need for expensive shutdowns. The PRC technology offered superior accuracy, faster results, and significant cost savings compared to traditional methods.
Through our game-changing PRC technology, we were able to generate accurate as-built drawings, intelligent piping models, precise P&IDs, comprehensive general arrangements, and detailed reports:

  1. Extracted Intelligent Piping Models:
    The PRC scans rendered comprehensive models of the platform’s piping systems. These models allowed for more efficient management and enhanced safety.
  2. As-Built Drawings
    The former outdated drawings were refined into current and accurate as-built drawings, providing the operator with up-to-date platform information. This enhancement improved transparency and decision-making capabilities and also improved the overall documentation.
  3. P&IDs and General Arrangements:
    The creation of precise PIDs and general arrangements brought a comprehensive understanding of the platforms’ layout and design, enabling effective planning and seamless execution of operations. This empowered their team to make informed decisions and streamline project management.
  4. Full Reports
    Reports derived from PRC scans gave actionable insights, equipping the operator with the means to refine their offshore strategies. Thus, the operator was equipped with the needed data to optimize their offshore operations, driving efficiency and cost savings.



Transforming Platforms, Inspiring the Industry

Following this successful project, the seven offshore platforms transitioned to more digitally managed smart platforms. The client appreciated the efficiency, improved quality, reliability, and safety brought about by the PRC technology

At MCS Group, we take immense pride in our ability to deliver innovative solutions that not only meet the challenges faced by our clients but exceed their expectations. Through our proprietary technology, we aim to transform the global energy and marine sectors, driving efficiency, sustainability, and safety.